Sunday, May 31, 2009

'Lean Sensei' v/s 'Real Sensei/Guru'

My fellow blogger EssForty has written an interesting blog.
In search of America's Lean Senseis

I totally agree with his views. But I would like to add more to the same.
He wrote “the typical self-proclaimed "Lean Sensei" generally has more skill creating PowerPoint presentations and splashy resumes than leading change in Gemba.”
This statement is 100% true.
These ‘Lean Sensei’ has excellent vocal capabilities, masters in creating colorful ‘PowerPoint’ presentations, read directly from their presentations.
Yes ‘Power Point’ presentations helps trainees to know the concepts of Lean, but do they really help them to understand it?

A ‘Lean Sensei’ instructs you, but
A real ‘Sensei/Guru’ constructs you

A real ‘Sensei/Guru’ does not read from ‘Power Point’ presentation, instead he relates the contents to real world examples from his own experiences on the Gemba.

A ‘Lean Sensei’ makes you understand how to move about in the world
A real ‘Sensei/Guru’ shows you where you stand in relation to the world

This is very critical when implementing ‘True Lean Concepts’. Very often we hear hundred reasons why they can’t implement simple solutions/improvements, than ONE damn Good Reason why they can!
A ‘Lean Sensei’ instructs you on how to solve problems
A real ‘Sensei/Guru’ shows you how to resolve issues

The blogger further writes, (I added the word ‘Guru’“First, Sensei means "Teacher" or “Guru” in a general sense, but more accurately describes a person with in-depth knowledge of both the subject matter and the most appropriate way to convey the knowledge or skill to the student. Within Toyota, the sensei has developed this understanding by tackling tough problems on the shop floor, identifying real root causes and applying lasting countermeasures and controls to sustain the gains. The sensei knows when to praise and when to scold and how to permanently change a student's thinking.”
A ‘Lean Sensei’ answers your questions
A real ‘Sensei/Guru’ questions your answers

In America, many self-proclaimed "sensei" have simply read a few books, taken a 2-week Lean enhancement program and led or participated in a handful of kaizen events. Consultants, university professors and those who have delivered a few classes or seminars on Lean tools like to add "sensei" to their resume. It sounds good, but it is often meaningless. For example, one Lean consultant I know who claims to be a Lean Sensei has the annoying habit of giving a 60 minute answer to a simple yes/no question. Perhaps this is a good strategy if you are billing by the hour. But it is a lousy strategy if the goal is to impart knowledge to a learner.
A ‘Lean Sensei’ takes responsibility of your (Company) growth
A real ‘Sensei/Guru’ makes you responsible for your (Company) growth

These ‘Lean Sensei’ train their trainees in Lean tools and lecture about implementing them. But a real ‘Sensei/Guru’ does not train you in a class room but on the Gemba, by work with you, making his hand dirty and involving everyone on the Gemba.
A ‘Lean Sensei’ may sharpen your mind
A real ‘Sensei/Guru’ opens your mind

Blogger further writes,
“The true sensei does not earn his or her status by self-proclamation or even by attending "Lean Sensei Certification School". Status is not earned by giving lots of presentations at conferences and seminars. The true sensei earns the status by 25, 30 or more years of results in Gemba and the nearly unanimous acclaim of his students. While experience is a prerequisite for skill development, it is not a guarantor that the person can impart their wisdom to others either. So while it is far more likely that someone with extensive Lean manufacturing experience is a sensei, it is not proof.”

One can always find a ‘Lean Sensei’
But a real ‘Sensei/Guru’ has to find and accept you

The above statement has a lot of meaning. A ‘Lean Sensei’ can and will train you in Lean tools and Lean Systems, but a real ‘Sensei/Guru’ teaches you the meaning of Lean Concepts and Lean Philosophy. Once a real ‘Sensei/Guru’ find you he will give all the knowledge he has acquired from his ‘Sensei/Guru’. So what is this ‘Finding You’ means?

It means real ‘Sensei/Guru’ must be completely satisfied and convinced with you(company) that you are interested in Learning and willing to travel the hard(harsh) path of implementing the Lean Concepts (Philosophy). The path to the World Class Manufacturing is not all that rosy and easy. The Management must be willing to implement the Lean Philosophy no matter how hard decisions they have to make. At times they have to take some unpopular decisions (among operators and office people) and be willing to say ‘It is this way we would like to run our Company or Highway, Choice is yours’

When a ‘Lean Sensei’ finishes(his contract!) with you (Company), you graduate
When a real ’Sensei/ Guru’ finishes with you, you celebrate

When the course is over you are thankful to the ‘Lean Sensei’
When the discourse is over you are grateful to the real ’Sensei/ Guru’ who has shown you the path to the glory!